I can’t even believe I’m typing this post. Bennett, my little baby, is 10 months old. I ask him every day if he can just stay a little baby, but he has yet to oblige. Even though I love watching him grow and change, develop and begin to gain awareness of his surroundings, I wish I could just slow time down.
Every day he is beginning to change more and more into a little boy. His hair is starting to grow, and he has the most adorable little curls as his hair hits his ears.
As you can see, Bennett has a mouthful of teeth. We starting brushing his teeth at night, and he loves it so much he just laughs the whole time. We use the Nuby Tooth and Gum Cleaner set in Vanilla Milk.
Bennett is also beginning to understand what’s right and wrong. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t throw his electronic toys out of his pack and play or go try and pull everything off his bookshelf, but he does it after turning around to give me a mischievous smile. I usually proceed to tell him no and that he’s being naughty, but this just makes him laugh.
He’s still crawling like a pro but isn’t standing without support, which is just fine by me. It’s exhausting keeping up with my little Roadrunner crawler as it is. Bennett’s new favorite game is to throw his baby baseball, crawl to it, then throw it again. It delights me to know that he is able to have fun playing independently.
Bennett is obsessed with Peppa Pig and I mean OBSESSED. It’s a show about a British family of pigs, and I have to admit it’s pretty entertaining to watch and makes me laugh. I’m a huge Disney fanatic and have tried getting Bennett hooked on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but he just screams until Peppa Pig is turned back on.
Bennett still isn’t sleeping through the night. He wakes up around 1:00-1:30 AM every night wanting to nurse. Yes, I get up to nurse him, and I don’t let him cry it out in his crib. One reason is that he immediately goes back to sleep after nursing; so I don’t want to deny him liquids if he’s getting up because he’s thirsty. Also, we live in an apartment underneath a family with school-age children, and I never want Bennett to wake the kids up. I do hope this will eventually come to an end but right now c’est la vie. Brian and I have adapted to having limited sleep. It’s amazing what the human mind and body can do.
How cute is Bennett’s little puffer vest (currently on sale!) over his one-piece (also on sale!). I’m so glad I bought him this vest because it’s been the perfect piece to throw over his clothes when we head outside since it’s not quite cold enough for most of his jackets. I get the majority of Bennett’s baby clothes from Old Navy. Everything is ridiculously cute at a great price point.
I’m also linking all the baby products we are currently using and love below. Please leave me a comment below if you have any product recommendations that help you get through your day with your 10 month old! I hope you all enjoy the rest of the day!
Eating / Drinking
Peppa Pig Books
Little Blue Truck Books
Baby Einstein Piano
VTECH Baby Phone
Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy
Diaper Change
Honest Company Diapers (They are seriously THE BEST.)
Honest Company Wipes (I love them because they don’t have that strong wipe smell, and Bennett doesn’t mind if I wipe his face and mouth with them.)
Bath Time
4Moms Infant Tub
Aveeno Baby Wash and Shampoo
Fur Critter Bath Wrap
Lamb Crib Mobile
Cool Mist Humidifier
These pictures are so sweet!
Thank you Chelsea!! We had so much fun shooting these in a nearby park. Fall in New England is just the best.