We’re still waiting for Bennett to say his first word, but he’s really starting to exercise his vocal chords. He makes the cutest little sounds as he’s experimenting with how to use his voice. I’m ready to accept that his first word will probably be Chewy.
I’m so thankful that we have had such amazing weather, and we’ve been able to fill up days with some park time. Bennett loves playing in the leaves, and I wish we could just bask in this incredible Fall weather forever.
I also want to get serious for a moment and mention that as I type this post I am watching the turnout of this incredibly unsettling election. I pray that no matter who is elected, this nation is led with morality, with responsibility and with this little guy and the rest of our future in mind. Of course Bennett will not remember this election or the term of the elected, but these results will have such an impact on the future of this country and, therefore, on him.
But on a much more fun note..
Bennett is wearing this denim one piece and this vest.
And below you’ll find the products we’re currently using! If you read Bennett’s 10 month update you’ve seen most of these. Not much has changes but we did get him this adorable classic car walker. He looks so cute driving that thing across the floors of our apartment!
Combi All-In-One Mobile Classic Car
Peppa Pig Books
Little Blue Truck Books
Baby Einstein Piano
VTECH Baby Phone
Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy
Diaper Stuff
Honest Company Diapers
Honest Company Wipes (Honest Company diapers and wipes are seriously the best!)
Bath Time
4Moms Infant Tub
Aveeno Baby Wash and Shampoo
Fur Critter Bath Wrap
Lamb Crib Mobile
Cool Mist Humidifier
Here are previous Bennett Monthly Updates:
Bennett’s 10 Month Update // Bennett’s 9 Month Update // Bennett’s 8 Month Update // Bennett’s 7 Month Update // Bennett’s 6 Month Update // Bennett’s 5 Month Update // Bennett’s 4 Month Update
Bennett is a beautiful healthy baby boy. Thank you for sharing his growth progress and his adorableness. His sweet face makes me want to give him a big hug. Haha
Such a little cutie!