The last matter I wanted to bring up, and I was reluctant to do so because there are such strong, infallible parenting philosophies out there, is that Bennett still isn’t talking. When he was a year old he was babbling da-da-da sounds which we thought was him attempting to say daddy, but it didn’t stick. Currently, he is able to and has uttered every sound possible by the human vocal system, but none of these sounds are articulating into words. I can see that not being able to communicate to me frustrates him, and he throws mini tantrums that even includes purposely hitting his head on the floor. Bennett’s pediatrician had recommended early intervention a few months ago, but I have been reluctant to start (which is so totally unlike me since I have always taken Bennett’s pediatrician’s word as Gospel and wholly trust her medical opinions). I have just been nervous about putting too much pressure on him or stressing him out so early in his life and was scared that bringing in a professional in a therapeutic setting would do just that. Plus, week by week I had begun to notice what I thought were small improvements in new sounds he would form as well as forming longer, almost syllabled extensions to those sounds. But here we are 3 months later and still no words. If any of you have had any experience with early intervention programs for your kiddos, I would love to hear your experiences. My current plan is to set up an evaluation within the next week.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all enjoy the rest of this (short) week!
(*Yes, I understand the biology and know Brian had a hand in it too.)