SEE GLASS BLOG provides general information and discussion about life, style, food, motherhood…and sometimes…eye health. Such general information should in no way be construed as medical advice or recommendation or the rendering of a medical service. No reader should rely on any statement or representation in this blog in lieu of care by a qualified health care provider. If you have a health care problem, eye-related or otherwise, please contact a health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog. Similarly, this blog occasionally links to a third party site for informational purposes. Readers should not rely on any statement or representation contained in a third party site in lieu of care by a qualified health care professional. This blog neither guarantees nor warrants any information provided herein or by any third party site. To the extent any guarantee or warranty is found to arise under applicable law, any and all warranties, express or implied, are hereby disclaimed. The content of this blog is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, timely, or up-to-date and has no obligation to update any content on this blog.
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